Thursday, April 28, 2011

Numerology Stock Prediction for MFA Financial, Inc. (MFA)

MFA Observations

Based on data collected between Jan 1 2001 and Dec 31 2010, the numerological observations for the stock of the company MFA Financial, Inc. with ticker symbol MFA are as below. Data takes into account, the opening and closing values of stock for each day.

Table below lists the percentage of times for each date number when the stock MFA moved upwards. As we can see, the positive change percentage is highest for the date number of 1


Table below lists the percentage of times for each date-month-year number when the stock MFA moved upwards. As we can see, the positive change percentage is highest for the Date-Month-Year number of 7


Table below lists the percentage of times for each month number when the stock MFA moved upwards. As we can see, the positive change percentage is highest for the month number of 4


Table below lists the percentage of times for each year number when the stock MFA moved upwards. As we can see, the positive change percentage is highest for the year number of 8


MFA Predictions

From these observations, numerological predictions are as below

From date perspective, next five favorable days for MFA are

From date-month-year perspective, next five favorable days for MFA are

From month perspective, favorable month(s) for MFA are

From year perspective, favorable year for MFA is

Combining the date and date-month-year values, the most favorable date for upward movement of MFA is
<[[CDATA[ getFavDt('MFADateDiv',1,5);getFavdmy('MFADmyDiv',7,5);getFavMonths('MFAMonthDiv',4);getFavYear('MFAYearDiv',8);getFavDtDmy('MFADtDmyDiv',1,7); ]]>

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